If you are a close contact yet have received a COVID-19 vaccine. You do not need to restrict your movements or be tested for COVID-19 if it is more than:
7 days after your 2nd Pfizer-BioNTech dose
14 days after your 2nd Moderna dose
14 days after the Janssen vaccine
15 days after your 2nd AstraZeneca dose
These conditions vary if you have been in close contact with someone in your household (see below).
Rules for Fully Vaccinated Household Contacts ie.
Anyone who lives or sleeps in the same home
People sharing living accommodation (a kitchen or bathroom)
Sexual partners
The Rules If Someone In Your Household Tests Positive
Stay at home for 5 days, contact HSE and await a text message
Do 3 antigen tests with 2 days in between each test